Podcast Episode 77 - The Whyte Notation Method of Classifying Locomotives

Before a standardized convention for classifying locomotive types was put in place, locomotives were known by nicknames that were confusing at best. Frederick Methvan Whyte changed all that when he came up with a simple but ingenious classification method.


Frederick Methvan Whyte, creator of the Whyte Notation

Locomotives by type as per Whyte Notation.


Related Episodes:

The Colorado Midlan'd’s Mighty 300 Series Engines: https://www.storiesfromthemidland.com/podcast/podcast-episode-75-the-colorado-midlands-mighty-300-series-engines

The Last Train Ride of Joseph E. “Doc” Lane.: https://www.storiesfromthemidland.com/podcast/joseph-e-doc-lane-railroad-engineer


Bender Jr., H. E. (1970). UINTAH RAILWAY – The Gilsonite Route. Howell-North Books.

Cafky, M. (1965). Colorado Midland. The Rocky Mountain Railroad Club.

LaMassena, R. A. (1999). Denver and Rio Grande Western: Superpower Railroad of the Rockies. TLC Publishing, Inc.

American Engineer and Railroad Journal. (1900, December). The Confusion of Types: A Logical Locomotive Classification Needed. UMSL Digital Library. Retrieved August 10, 2023. https://dl.mospace.umsystem.edu/umsl/islandora/object/umsl%3A226638#page/10/mode/2up

Walter, T. (2023). Whyte Notation: The Simple Way We Classify Steam Locomotives. Steam Giants. Retrieved August 10, 2023. https://steamgiants.com/wiki/whyte/whyte-notation-classify-steam-engines/

History.com Editors. (2019, December 19). Richard Trevithick introduces his “Puffing Devil”. HISTORY. Retrieved August 10, 2023. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/richard-trevithick-introduces-his-puffing-devil

AmericanSteamLegacy. (2023, February 27). Whyte Notation – Introduction [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCK22UtzgnQ

Cornishpastyman. (2017, April 29). RICHARD TREVITHICK’S PUFFING DEVIL ON TREVITHICK DAY 2017 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEjGBgBxSNM


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